by Russell Young
February 15, 2017
Russell, Cale and Sujit talk to Mike Becker and Marcel Bindseil from Microsoft Germany about an innovative solution they developed for a customer, that uses App Service to build a complete EAI integration solution.


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Other updates:
Ruby support is available on Web Apps on Linux
Public preview: Cross-subscription virtual network peering
Virtual networks that are created through the Azure Resource Manager deployment model and classic deployment model—but that belong to different subscriptions—can now be peered through this preview release. Read the Create a virtual network peering using Azure PowerShell article for further details.
Note that you can peer virtual networks that exist in two different subscriptions as long as a privileged user of both subscriptions authorizes the peering and the subscriptions are associated with the same Active Directory tenant. You can find more information in the Virtual network peering article.
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