Episode 222 - Azure Portal Update

by Sujit D'Mello March 29, 2018

Sean Watson, a Senior PM in the Azure Portal team, talks to us about the thinking behind the design of the portal and shares tips 'n tricks for getting the most out of the portal.


Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode222.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/e225a07aab/

Azure Portal user voice:

Azure Portal preview environment:
https://preview.portal.azure.com (Early access to new functionality!)

Azure Portal twitter:

My twitter:


Other updates:

Soft delete for Azure Storage Blobs now in public preview

How Catania secures public data with Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Azure DNS Private Zones now available in public preview


General availability: Disable BGP route propagation for virtual network routes
If you're connecting your virtual network by using Azure ExpressRoute or VPN gateways, you can disable routing through BGP by simply adding a property in your route tables.

Public preview: Virtual machine serial console
Virtual machine serial console is now public preview. This feature allows bidirectional serial console access to your virtual machines. The preview is available in global Azure regions.


Deprecating Service Management API support for Azure App Service

Azure Service Management support will be retired on June 30, 2018. After that, Azure App Service resource management will be supported only through Azure Resource Manager.
The Service Management APIs are not well suited for the modern cloud. Supporting Service Management APIs any longer will hold us back from delivering a premium developer experience and control at plane scale.
Customers currently using the Service Management APIs will be better served by moving to Resource Manager. Resource Manager has many benefits over Service Management, like a robust deployment model, role-based access, and better API support for features. For more information about the difference between Service Management and Resource Manager, see the TechNet blog.
For more information about the deprecation of Service Management APIs, see the App Service blog announcement.






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Episode 202 - Cloud Shell

by Evan Basalik November 2, 2017

In-depth discussion with Azure Compute PM, Justin Luk, on the new Cloud Shell feature in the Azure Portal that serves up Bash and PowerShell command prompts right in the browser!

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode202.mp3




Product page – http://aka.ms/azshell

Docs – http://aka.ms/cloudshell

Feedback – http://aka.ms/cloudshell/feedback

Try It in Docs – http://aka.ms/tryitdoc


Other resources and updates:

By November 30, 2017, you should plan to rely fully on the new administration experience for portal-based administration of Azure Active Directory.
We recently announced that the Azure AD experience in the classic Azure portal (https://manage.windowsazure.com) will be retired on November 30, 2017. You are receiving this email because you or another user in your organization recently used that experience.

Elastic Query between SQL Data Warehouse and SQL Database
Monday, October 30, 2017
Azure SQL Data Warehouse now supports Elastic Query between SQL Data Warehouse and Azure SQL Database. 
This improvement enables users to connect to SQL Data Warehouse through SQL Database with the remote query execution capabilities of Elastic Query. Users can now offload their hot/more recent data into SQL Database to support high concurrency and reporting while maintaining the power of SQL Data Warehouse MPP.
To learn more about Elastic Query concepts, check out the Elastic Query concepts documentation. To get started connecting SQL Database with SQL Data Warehouse, complete the Elastic Query tutorial.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/elastic-query-with-sql-datawarehouse-and-sql-database-now-available/?cdn=disable>

Public preview expansion: VNet Service Endpoints and Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks
Friday, October 27, 2017
The public previews for Virtual Network Service Endpoints and Firewalls and Virtual Networks for Azure Storage have been expanded to include all regions in the Azure public cloud.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-expansion-vnet-service-endpoints-and-storage-firewalls-and-virtual-networks/?cdn=disable>


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Episode 71 - Ibiza Portal

by Sujit D'Mello April 1, 2015

Evan and Sujit talk to Adam Abdelhamed who is a PM for the new Azure Portal. He gives us the scoop on the design of the new Portal and future plans.

Media File:  http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode71.mp3


Provide feedback on the new portal: http://feedback.azure.com/forums/223579-azure-preview-portal

Great resource for diagnosing and fixing a number of VNET and hybrid issues:





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