Episode 431 - Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

by Cynthia Kreng July 14, 2022

We chat with Nir Mashkowski, Principal PM Manager, about the evolution of PaaS since its inception 10+ years ago, some of the usage patterns that he has observed, the benefits and reasoning of using PaaS services, and the future of where Azure PaaS services is headed. 

Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode431.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/b3zUtaCnhTE


Overview - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs

Azure Functions Overview | Microsoft Docs

What is Azure Static Web Apps? | Microsoft Docs

Azure Container Apps documentation | Microsoft Docs

Dapr - Distributed Application Runtime

KEDA | Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling

Episode 364 - Virtual Networking with Functions

by Sujit D'Mello February 11, 2021

Russell, Sujit, and Cynthia chat with Michael Collier about different considerations regarding Azure Functions ranging from virtual networking, hosting, common use cases and some of the existing limitations to be aware of. 


Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode364.mp3

Other Updates:

Availability Zones now available in South Central US and Germany West Central

Confluent Cloud Integration with Azure is now generally available

Support for more workloads, tag based policies now in Backup Center public preview

Azure Security Center—General availability updates for January 2021

Azure API-Management Updates Jan 21

More Resources:

Michael's Blog



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Episode 360 - Microsoft Solutions with Corey

by Cynthia Kreng January 12, 2021

The Azure Podcast co-hosts chat with Corey on his Azure journey, his favorite Microsoft services, what he saw in our customers digital transformation during COVID and many more. 

Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode360.mp3

Other Updates:
Digital event: Explore how data and analytics will impact the future of your business

Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – November 2020

Let us know about your thoughts at https://aka.ms/azpodcastfeedback

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Episode 204 - Back to Cloud Services

by Sujit D'Mello November 16, 2017

A great throwback discussion to one of the earliest (and most robust) of Azure Services, the Classic Cloud Service, with Adam Modlin, a Senior App Dev Consultant at Microsoft.

Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode204.mp3

Indexed audio: https://www.videoindexer.ai/media/9918c9efc2/ 

Other updates:

Both Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Cloud Services will be available only in the Azure portal. Access from the classic portal will no longer be supported. If you were using the classic portal for OS images, please use PowerShell instead.
For details on how to get started in the Azure portal, refer to the Virtual Machines and Azure Cloud Services documentation.
New features for Virtual Machines in the Azure portal include:
 • Ability to add classic disks to a VM
 • Ability to add classic images to a VM  
New features for Azure Cloud Services in the Azure portal include:
 • Deployment-related operation logs
 • Ability to update one or more roles at a time


Fv2-Series VMs:
✓ Are powered by the latest Intel Xeon Scalable processors, code-named Skylake.
✓ Are ideal for compute intensive workloads such as scientific modeling, advanced analytics, engineering simulations, and machine learning inference.
✓ Are available in seven sizes, the largest of which has 72 vCPUs and 144 GB of random-access memory (RAM).
✓ Will support Azure Premium Storage disks by default and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based Azure accelerated networking capabilities for ultra-low VM-to-VM latencies.
✓ Have newly added Skylake processor capabilities that will provide up to twice the performance boost to vector processing workloads on both single and double precision floating point operations.
Fv2-Series VMs are now generally available in the West US 2, East US, Southeast Asia, and West Europe regions.

G-Series VMs provide a high-performance foundation for database workloads that require high compute performance and large amounts of RAM to support in-memory database operations. G-Series VMs are now generally available in the UK South region. GA pricing will begin on January 1, 2018. Usage prior to January 1, 2018, will be billed at preview rates.

Learn more about Azure Virtual Machines on the overview and pricing webpages.

Azure Container Registry lets you store and manage images for all types of container deployments including DC/OS, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Azure services such as App Service, Batch, Service Fabric, and others. Using Container Registry, you can:
✓ Keep container images near deployments to reduce latency and cost.
✓ Simplify your registry access management using Azure Active Directory.

Managed tiers generally available
Container Registry is now generally available in Basic, Standard, and Premium tiers. By using managed tiers, you can easily move between Basic, Standard, and Premium, and Container Registry will manage caching of storage accounts to meet the throughput and API calls. By choosing Premium, you’ll have higher throughput because Container Registry replicates and manages images across multiple (encrypted at rest) storage accounts.

Geo-replication available in preview
eo-replication enables Container Registry to function as a single registry, while being available for local operations in the replicated regions. As images are used across many Azure services, you can benefit from a single management plane while maintaining network-close, fast, and reliable image pulls. Geo-replicated registries provide the following benefits
✓ Network-close registry access from regional deployments
✓ No additional egress fees, as images are pulled from a local, replicated registry in the same region as your container host

Azure Batch is a platform service for running large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) apps efficiently in the cloud. Batch schedules compute-intensive work to run on a managed collection of virtual machines (VMs) and can automatically scale compute resources to meet the needs of your jobs. Batch lets you:
✓ Scale to tens, hundreds, or thousands of VMs
✓ Cloud-enable batch and HPC apps
✓ Stage data and execute compute pipelines
Low-priority VMs are allocated from surplus capacity and therefore availability varies. If Batch apps can tolerate interruption and job execution time is flexible, low-priority VMs can reduce the cost of running workloads or let more work be performed at a greater scale for the same cost.


Azure API Management lets organizations publish APIs more securely, reliably, and at scale. You can use API Management to drive API consumption among internal teams, partners, and developers while benefiting from business and log analytics available in the admin portal. This service helps provide the tools your organization needs for end-to-end API management, including provisioning user roles and creating usage plans and quotas. In response to customer feedback, we’re making three important updates to API Management begnning December 1, 2017:
✓ A new hourly billing rate, instead of the daily billing rate, makes API Management more accessible and cost-effective to operate. All current customers will be automatically moved to hourly pricing effective December 1, 2017.
✓ In addition to the Developer, Standard, and Premium pricing tiers, a new Basic pricing tier will be available.
✓ Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) will now be included with the Standard pricing tier.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a fully managed, elastic scale service that truly accelerates your journey to a high performance, secure, and compliant cloud data warehouse.

The new compute-optimized performance tier for SQL Data Warehouse is designed for customers that need high performance and massive scale to meet the needs of compute-intensive analytical workloads. You can now provision five times the computing power and store an unlimited amount of columnar data, empowering you to run your largest and most complex analytics workloads.



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Episode 168 - Global Apps with Azure PaaS

by Russell Young March 1, 2017

Evan, Russell, Alex and Sujit talk to Barry Luijbregts, an Independent Azure Architect from the Netherlands, about building apps that span the globe using the right Azure PaaS offerings.

Barry is an independent software architect and developer with a passion for the cloud. He is also a Pluralsight author. He has worked for lots of companies throughout the last decade and is keen to share his knowledge with the community. He has a broad and deep knowledge of the Microsoft stack with a special interest on web technology and the cloud. He co-runs a usergroup focused on technology and soft-skills called .NET Zuid (South) and currently teaches people about the benefits of the cloud. He lives in the Netherlands with his beautiful wife and baby girl and loves to play with their two Siberian huskies.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode168.mp3


Other updates:

Announcing new Azure Functions capabilities to accelerate development of serverless applications

Azure Command Line 2.0 now generally available

Microsoft MPI v8.0 release

Azure Data Sync update

Azure IoT Suite adds device management capability updates

VS2017 launch – Tues 7th - free training on 8th Azure SQL Database enables the direct load of files stored in Azure Blob storage by using BULK INSERT and OPENROWSET commands.


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Episode 103 - Realtime apps in Azure PaaS

by Sujit D'Mello November 19, 2015

As part of our make-it-real series, the guys discuss a question posed to us by a colleague regarding migrating a realtime financial app to Azure PaaS.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode103.mp3

Other updates:



What's in ARM and what's not?



This post summarizes the updates and how the new tools will improve your Azure development experience.



Azure Disk Encryption for Linux and Windows Virtual Machines-Public Preview Now Available


Azure Service Fabric in Public Preview


Azure Dev/Test Labs in Public Preview



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Episode 82 - Containers, Microservices, Paas & Service Fabric

by Sujit D'Mello June 24, 2015

Evan, Cale and Sujit discuss these hot topics and how they relate to Azure and cloud computing in general.

Media file: http://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode82.mp3

SDK for Service Fabric: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/campaigns/service-fabric/




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