Episode 358 - Identity in the Cloud Era

by Sujit D'Mello December 17, 2020

Cale, Sujit, and Cynthia speak with Christos Matskas, Senior Program Manager in Identity about Microsoft's Identity strategy, how developers can utilize several ready-made components, the idea of Secure DevOps. 

Media File: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode358.mp3


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Defining roles and responsibilities for cloud cost optimization

Optimum Developer Productivity – GitHub + Visual Studio Code + Azure



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Episode 357 - Verifiable Identity with Blockchain

by Evan Basalik December 7, 2020

The team talks with Ankur Patel about decentralized identifiers and verifiable claims.  These are part of the next generation of identity systems and have been a part of an incubation initiation with the DIF (decentralized identity foundation).


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode357.mp3


Other updates:

New feature in public preview for intelligent ingestion from Event Hubs source



Filed Under: Podcast

Episode 306 - Identity Solutions in Azure

by Cynthia Kreng November 27, 2019

Senior PM and all-round identity guru Jef Kazimer talks about the various Identity solutions in Azure and gives us some great tips and tricks in utilizing Azure AD effectively to safeguard our Azure resources.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode306.mp3

Transcript: https://eus2.videoindexer.ai/accounts/e0eee289-7730-4999-978b-eb7f63be8cb5/videos/390d93117c/?location=EUS2 




Other resources:

Monitor health of Kubernetes clusters:
• Managed Kubernetes clusters hosted on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
• Azure Container Instances
• Self-managed Kubernetes clusters hosted on Azure Stack or on-premises
• Azure Red Hat OpenShift

From <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/insights/container-insights-overview>


Azure DevTest Labs : Azure managed identities to deploy lab environments

Introducing Azure Cost Management for partners
As a partner, you play a critical role in successful planning and managing long-term cloud implementations for your customers. While the cloud grants the flexibility to scale the cloud infrastructure to the changing needs, it does become challenging to control the spend when cloud costs can fluctuate dramatically with demand.

GitHub Actions for Azure is now generally available
GitHub Actions make it possible to create simple yet powerful workflows to automate software compilation and delivery integrated with GitHub. These actions, defined in YAML files, allow you to trigger an automated workflow process on any GitHub event, such as code commits, creation of Pull Requests or new GitHub Releases, and more.

Democratizing agriculture intelligence: introducing Azure FarmBeats
At Microsoft Ignite, we launched the preview of Azure FarmBeats, a purpose-built, industry-specific solution accelerator built on top of Azure to enable actionable insights from data.
Azure Migrate—Assessment of imported servers is now supported in preview

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/assessment-of-imported-servers-now-supported-in-preview/>




Filed Under: Podcast

Episode 249 - Managed Identities

by Evan Basalik October 3, 2018

The team talks to Identity PM Arturo Lucatero about Managed Identities, that help make resource access easier to manage in Azure.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode249.mp3


Other updates:

Preview of AzureRM.Automation cmdlets

We have released a preview version of the AzureRM.Automation cmdlets. This version contains new cmdlets for the Update Management and Source Control features.
You can get the preview modules from the PowerShell Gallery.

Building with blockchain on Azure

Fuel My Awesome: Celebrating developers and what makes them awesome



Filed Under: Podcast


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