Episode 379 - Azure for Operators

by Evan Basalik May 25, 2021

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Episode 332 - Azure Edge Zones

by Evan Basalik June 2, 2020

Ganesh Srinivasan, a Principal PM Manager in the Azure Networking team, talks to the crew about the possibilities and scenarios when placing compute as close to the edge as possible.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode332.mp3


Resources: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/networking/edge-zones-overview


Other updates:

Service Bus Explorer on the Azure portal is now available in preview
Updated: May 26, 2020
The Service Bus Explorer tool on the Azure portal is now available in preview.
Azure Service Bus, like most other PaaS offerings, has two sets of operations that can be performed against it:
• Management operations like CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) on Service Bus namespaces, queues, topics, subscriptions, and filters.
• Data operations like send, receive, and peek on queues, topics, and subscriptions.
While management operations have always been available via the portal, our customers have used tools such as the community managed Service Bus Explorer OSS tool for the data operations. In a quest to reduce dependence on different tools needed to provision, manage, and test the Service Bus namespace, we've built support for the data operations functionality right into the portal.
To access this tool, select the namespace and the specific queue or topic within that namespace you'd like to send and receive messages from. Once there, select Service Bus Explorer (preview) from the left menu navigation pane.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/sesrvice-bus-explorer/>

Azure Backup now provides protection against accidental deletion of Azure file shares
Updated: May 27, 2020
To provide protection against cyberattacks or accidental deletion, Azure Backup has added one more level of security to the Azure file shares snapshot management solution by providing protection against the accidental or malicious deletion of backed-up file shares. Now, even if a malicious actor deletes the file share, the file share’s contents and recovery points (snapshots) are retained for a configurable retention period, allowing the successful and complete recovery of source contents and snapshots with no data loss.
When you configure protection for a file share, Azure Backup enables the soft delete feature on a storage account level with a retention period of 14 days. You can also reset the retention period setting as per your requirement. This setting determines the time window you’ll have to recover your file share contents and snapshots after any accidental delete operation. The recovery points are preserved during this duration and once you undelete the file share, backups start running successfully with no additional configuration needed.

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-backup-now-provides-protection-against-accidental-deletion-of-azure-file-shares/>

Streamlining your image building process with Azure Image Builder

From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/streamlining-your-image-building-process-with-azure-image-builder/>

Azure Maps Creator now available in preview

Microsoft and Docker collaborate on new ways to deploy containers on Azure



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